Fish Names that Start with Letter I

77+ Fish Names that Start with Letter I [ Fish Names ]

In this article, we will explore a variety of fish names that start with the letter “I.” From popular aquarium species to unique ocean creatures, these fish are sure to fascinate and intrigue you. So let’s dive in and discover some amazing fish!

Fish Names that Start with Letter I

1. Imperial Angelfish

The imperial angelfish, also known as the regal angelfish, is a strikingly beautiful fish found in tropical reefs. This fish has a bold blue and yellow coloration with prominent black stripes. It can grow up to 16 inches in length and is best kept in larger aquariums.

2. Indian Glassy Fish

The Indian glassy fish, also called the Indian glassfish, is a small freshwater fish native to India and Sri Lanka. This species has transparent bodies and silver scales, making them almost invisible in the water. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them popular among hobbyists.

3. Inca Stickleback

The Inca stickleback is a unique species of fish found in South America, particularly in Peru and Ecuador. They are known for their bright red coloration and distinct spines on their backs. Inca sticklebacks are hardy fish that can adapt to a wide range of water conditions.

4. Iridescent Shark

Despite its name, the iridescent shark is not actually a shark at all. It is a large freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. This species has a shimmering silver color and can grow up to 4 feet in length. They are popular in home aquariums, but require large tanks due to their size.

5. Iridescent Danio

The iridescent danio, also known as the pearl danio, is a small freshwater fish native to India. This species has a shimmering silver color with vertical black stripes. They are easy to care for and do well in community tanks.

6. Inland Silverside

The inland silverside is a small, slender fish found in coastal waters of North America. They have a silvery coloration with faint horizontal stripes and can grow up to 5 inches in length. These fish are commonly used as bait but can also make interesting additions to home aquariums.

7. Indian River Gar

The Indian river gar, also known as the Florida gar, is a predatory fish found in freshwater habitats throughout the southeastern United States. They have long, slender bodies with greenish-brown coloration and sharp teeth. These fish can grow up to 4 feet in length and require large tanks with plenty of hiding spots.

8. Indo-Pacific Sailfish

The Indo-Pacific sailfish is a large, predatory fish found in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. They are known for their distinctive long, pointed dorsal fin, which resembles a sail. These fish can reach lengths of up to 11 feet and are sought after by sport fishermen.

9. Indian Threadfin

The Indian threadfin, also known as the glassy perch or silver croaker, is a popular food fish found in the waters of India, Indonesia, and Australia. They have a shiny silver color with a long, thread-like dorsal fin. These fish are highly valued for their delicate, flavorful meat.

10. Indian Flying Barb

The Indian flying barb, also called the Indian glassfish or flying fish, is a unique species of fish found in South and Southeast Asia. They have transparent bodies with red fins and can glide short distances above the water’s surface using their pectoral fins. These fish are relatively easy to care for but require a well-planted aquarium.

11. Indian Glass Catfish

The Indian glass catfish, also known as the ghost catfish, is a peaceful freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. They have transparent bodies with long, flowing fins and are best kept in schools of at least five or six individuals. These fish are popular among hobbyists for their unique appearance.

12. Indian River Shad

The Indian river shad is a migratory fish found in the Atlantic coast of North America. They have silver bodies with dark blue or greenish backs and can grow up to 2 feet in length. These fish are popular among anglers for their strong fighting abilities.

13. Island Jack

The island jack, also known as the island trevally, is a large predatory fish found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. They have a brilliant blue color with yellow fins and can grow up to 3 feet in length. These fish are highly prized by sport fishermen for their strength and speed.

14. Indian Scad

The Indian scad, also called the round scad, is a schooling fish found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. They have silver bodies with yellow fins and can grow up to 12 inches in length. These fish are commonly used for commercial fishing and as bait.

15. Inland Catfish

The inland catfish, also known as the channel catfish, is a popular freshwater game fish found in North America. They have a bluish-gray color with small black spots and distinctive whisker-like barbels around their mouth. These fish are relatively easy to catch and make great additions to home aquariums.

16. Indian Butterflyfish

The Indian butterflyfish is a stunning species of fish found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. They have a bright yellow color with black and white stripes on their fins and body. These fish are popular among reef-keepers for their beauty and peaceful nature.

17. Island Grouper

The island grouper, also known as the coral hind or rockcod, is a large predatory fish found in tropical reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They have a brownish-red color with faint white spots and can grow up to 3 feet in length. These fish are prized by fishermen for their delicious flesh.

18. Inland Silverspot

The inland silverspot is a species of butterflyfish found in the waters of Southeast Asia, particularly around Indonesia and the Philippines. They have a silver body with yellow stripes and a prominent black spot on their dorsal fin. These fish are relatively peaceful and do well in community tanks.

19. Indian Halibut

The Indian halibut, also called the brown sole or leopard flounder, is a flatfish found in the waters of the Indian Ocean. They have a mottled brown color with white spots and can grow up to 3 feet in length. These fish are prized for their mild, flaky flesh and are commonly used in seafood dishes.

20. Indian Glassy Perchlet

The Indian glassy perchlet, also known as the pearl-spot or karimeen, is a small freshwater fish found in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. They have a silver body with black spots and can grow up to 8 inches in length. These fish are popular among aquarists for their attractive appearance and peaceful nature.

21. Indian Carp

The Indian carp, also called the rohu or rui, is a freshwater fish native to South Asia. They have a silver body with red fins and can grow up to 3 feet in length. These fish are a popular food source in their native range and are also kept as ornamental fish in home aquariums.

22. Indian Glassy Perch

The Indian glassy perch, also known as the giant danio or striped danio, is a peaceful freshwater fish found in South Asia. They have a silver body with blue and black stripes and can grow up to 4 inches in length. These fish are popular among hobbyists for their active, schooling behavior.

23. Indian Anchovy

The Indian anchovy is a small plankton-eating fish found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. They have a silver body with a greenish-blue back and can grow up to 5 inches in length. These fish are an important food source for larger carnivorous fish and are also used in the production of fish oil.

24. Indian Ocean Bluefin

The Indian ocean bluefin, also known as the kawakawa or bonito, is a highly migratory fish found in tropical waters worldwide. They have a metallic blue color with dark bands on their sides and can grow up to 4 feet in length. These fish are prized by sport fishermen for their powerful, high-speed runs.

25. Indian River Gar

The Indian river gar, also called the alligator gar or bottlefish, is a large predatory fish found in the rivers of North and Central America. They have a long, narrow body with armored scales and can grow up to 10 feet in length. These fish are popular game fish and also play an important role in their ecosystem as top predators.

More Fish Names Starting with Letter I

S.No Fish Name Description
1 Ichthyosaurus Not a fish but a prehistoric marine reptile with a fish-like appearance.
2 Indian Glassfish A small, transparent freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
3 Inanga A species of galaxiid fish native to New Zealand, known for its small size and importance to Maori culture.
4 Indo-Pacific Tarpon A large, predatory fish known for its strength and acrobatic jumps.
5 Iridescent Shark Despite its name, it is actually a species of catfish known for its iridescent skin.
6 Ivory Snapper A deep-sea dwelling fish known for its pale color and firm flesh.
7 Indian Goatfish A brightly colored reef fish found in the Indian Ocean.
8 Icelandic Cod A cold-water fish species known for its importance to the fishing industry in Iceland.
9 Imperial Angelfish A vibrant, tropical fish known for its striking color pattern.
10 Inconnu Also known as sheefish, it’s a large, predatory freshwater fish found in North America and Siberia.
11 Indian Mackerel A common food fish found in the warm coastal waters around India.
12 Indigo Hamlet A small, brightly colored reef fish found in the Caribbean Sea.
13 Ice Goby A small, bottom-dwelling fish known for its ability to survive in extremely cold environments.
14 Indian Ocean Sailfish One of the fastest fish in the ocean, known for its large dorsal fin or “sail”.
15 Iguana Wrasse A brightly colored reef fish known for its distinctive, iguana-like pattern.
16 Indian Threadfish A large, silver-colored fish found in the Indo-Pacific region.
17 Inland Silverside A small, silver-colored fish found in freshwater and brackish environments in North America.
18 Indian Prawn Goby A small, bottom-dwelling fish known for its symbiotic relationship with prawns.
19 Indian Flathead A predatory marine fish known for its flat head and large mouth.
20 Indian Halibut A species of flatfish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
21 Iberian Loach A small, bottom-dwelling freshwater fish found in the Iberian Peninsula.
22 Indian Ocean Tuna A highly prized game and food fish known for its speed and strength.
23 Indonesian Sweetlips Known for its striking coloration and pattern, this tropical fish is found in the Indo-Pacific region.
24 Indigo Dottyback A small, brightly colored marine fish found in the Red Sea.
25 Indian Mud Moray A small, elongated fish known for its ability to live in muddy environments.
26 Irish Lord Fish A small, bottom-dwelling fish found in the North Pacific Ocean.
27 Indian Pipefish A small, elongated marine fish known for its pipe-like shape.
28 Indian Glass Barb A small, transparent freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
29 Ivory Damselfish A small, brightly colored reef fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
30 Indian Ocean Grouper A large, predatory fish found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
31 Indian Butterflyfish A small, brightly colored reef fish known for its butterfly-like appearance.
32 Ivory Billed Aracari Not a fish but a bird species known for its distinctive ivory-colored bill.
33 Icelandic Capelin A small, schooling fish found in the North Atlantic Ocean, known for its importance to Iceland’s fishing industry.
34 Indian Anchovy A small, silver-colored fish found in the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal.
35 Iceland Gurnard A bottom-dwelling fish species known for its large pectoral fins and spiny skin.
36 Indian Ocean Swordfish A highly prized game fish known for its elongated bill and speed.
37 Indian Ocean Stingray A species of stingray known for its venomous tail spine.
38 Irish Mooneye A small, silver-colored fish found in the rivers of Ireland.
39 Indian Ocean Marlin A large, predatory fish known for its elongated bill and dorsal fin.
40 Indigo Snakehead A large, predatory fish known for its indigo color and snake-like appearance.
41 Indian Ocean Squid Not a fish but a squid species found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
42 Indian Ocean Parrotfish Known for their vibrant colors and beak-like jaws used for eating coral.
43 Indian Ocean Snapper A common food fish found in the warm coastal waters around India.
44 Indian Cichlid A popular freshwater aquarium fish known for its bright colors and aggressive behavior.
45 Indian Ocean Barracuda A large, predatory fish known for its fearsome appearance and sharp teeth.
46 Indian Ocean Lobster Not a fish but a crustacean known for its delicious meat.
47 Indian Ocean Starfish Not a fish but a starfish species found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
48 Indian Ocean Jellyfish Not a fish but a jellyfish species found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
49 Indian Ocean Mackerel A common food fish found in the warm coastal waters around India.
50 Indian Ocean Eel A large, elongated fish known for its ability to live in both fresh and saltwater environments.
51 Indian Ocean Shrimp Not a fish but a crustacean species found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
52 Indian Ocean Crab Not a fish but a crustacean species found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.


Overall, these 77 fish species that start with the letter I showcase the incredible diversity of aquatic life found all over the world. From unique appearances to fascinating behaviors, each of these fish has its own story to tell and is a testament to our planet’s vast and beautiful biodiversity.

As aquarium hobbyists or seafood enthusiasts, it’s important to understand and appreciate the various fish species that make up our ecosystem, and to ensure their conservation for future generations to enjoy. So the next time you see a fish whose name starts with I, take a moment to learn more about it and appreciate its place in our world.

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