adjectives for moon

Adjectives for Moon | Words to describe about Moon

There are many words which can be used to describe the moon. Some people describe the moon by its appearance, others use words to describe the effects the moon has on the earth.

Choosing adjectives for Moon

When choosing your words, don’t forget to use a variety of words. You can use different intensifiers, such as “very”, with your adjectives to make the description stronger.

1. Adjectives for Describing the moon’s appearance:

round, glowing, bright, beautiful, dark.

2. Describing human feelings about the moon:

wicked, mysterious, romantic, glowing, silver.

3. What the moon does to the earth:

shines on, illuminates, reflects light, changes, waxes and wanes.

adjectives for moon

4. Describing the moon’s surface:

harsh, rocky, barren, dusty, dark.

5. Describing the moon in the sky:

bright, glowing, white.

Moon can be very bright and shiny in a clear blue sky when bright stars are near, but in some circumstances it can be very dark in the night sky.

Moon is also related to time and each month has a different name depending on what phase the moon is in. A new moon is when it has no light and doesn’t reflect any sunlight. Before the new moon is called the waning crescent moon.

After the new moon it’s called less-than-crescent moon. After that it’s called waxing crescent moon. When the moon is about halfway lit, the moon is called first-quarter moon. After that it’s called waxing gibbous moon.

When the light on the moon is almost all of the way around the moon, it’s called full moon. After that is waning gibbous moon. When there are just a few stars visible and it’s getting dim, then it’s called last-quarter moon. After that is waning crescent moon again. If you get all of the way around to a new moon again, it’s called lunar month.

6. Moon’s characteristics:

bright, glowing, white, yellow, orange, red, dark

space-related terms:

orbit, starlight, gravitational pull, atmosphere [halo], orbit, celestial object

  • Ablaze
  • Absent
  • Blue
  • Bright
  • Cresent
  • Dark
  • Dim
  • Full
  • Glowing
  • Golden
  • Gray
  • Huge
  • Immense
  • Large
  • Little
  • Luminous

Adjectives for Full Moon

  • Full
  • Bright
  • Glowing
  • Golden
  • Huge
  • Immense
  • Large
  • Luminous
  • Radiant
  • Round
  • Silver
  • Small
  • Sphere-Shaped

Adjectives for Crescent Moon

  • Blue
  • Cresent
  • Dim
  • Gray
  • Little
  • Small
  • Thin

Adjectives for Moonbeam

  • Bright
  • Glowing
  • Golden
  • Huge
  • Immense
  • Large
  • Luminous
  • Radiant
  • Round
  • Silver
  • Small
  • Sphere-Shaped

Adjectives for Moonlit

  • Bright
  • Glowing
  • Golden
  • Huge
  • Immense
  • Large
  • Luminous
  • Radiant
  • Round
  • Silver
  • Small

Adjectives for Moonless

  • Absent
  • Dark
  • Dim
  • Gray
  • Little
  • Small
  • Thin

Adjectives for New Moon

  • Absent
  • Dark
  • Dim
  • Gray
  • Little
  • Small


These are few important adjectives for moon. These describing words about moon would definitely help you give more idea about moon words. Additionally, we will be updating our list more for you!


What is a good description of Moon?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some possible adjectives that could be used to describe the Moon include: bright, glowing, golden, huge, immense, large, luminous, round, silver, small, and sphere-shaped.

How do you describe the moon in creative writing?

Some possible adjectives to describe the moon in creative writing could include: blue, crescent, dark, dim, full, gray, little, new, and old.

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