Adjectives for Responsibility

Adjectives for Responsibility-Words to Describe Adjectives

Adjectives for Responsibility: Following are the adjectives for responsibility each with meaning and example sentence:

1. Accountable: liable to be called into account; responsible.
e.g. The board is accountable to the shareholders.

2. answerable: obliged to give an account or justification of one’s conduct or actions.
e.g. They are answerable only to their consciences.

3. blamable: deserving blame or censure; culpable.
e.g. He is blamable for his carelessness.

4. censurable: deserving of censure; blameworthy.
e.g. His rudeness was censurable.

5. chargeable: able to be charged with a duty or responsibility.
e.g. He is chargeable with the responsibility of keeping the accounts.

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6. culpable: deserving blame; blameworthy.
e.g. His negligence was culpable.

7. guilty: having committed an offense or crime, typically one that is punishable by law.
e.g. He was found guilty of fraud.

8. liable: legally responsible for something, especially damages or loss.
e.g. The company is liable for any damage caused by its employees.

9. obligated: owing a duty to someone by law, conscience, or custom; required to do something.
e.g. He is obligated to support his family.

10. responsible: having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role. e.g. Parents are responsible for their children’s welfare.

11. accountable: liable to be called into account; responsible.
e.g. The board is accountable to the shareholders.

12. dutiful: Discharging one’s duties faithfully and with due diligence.
e.g. He was a dutiful son and looked after his parents in their old age.

13. faithful: Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal.
e.g. He was her faithful friend and companion through thick and thin.

14. liable: Legally responsible for something, especially damages or loss.
e.g. The company is liable for any damage caused by its employees.

15. obligated: Owing a duty to someone by law, conscience, or custom; required to do something.
e.g. He is obligated to support his family.

16. reliable: Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be depended on.
e.g. He is a reliable witness.

17. responsible: Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role.

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4 Tips how to use describing words for Responsibility:

1. Use adjectives to describe the different levels of responsibility someone has. For example, you could say that someone is “fully responsible” for something, or “partly responsible”.

2. Use adjectives to describe how well someone carries out their responsibilities. For example, you could say that someone is “responsible and reliable”, or ” irresponsible and careless”.

3. Use adjectives to describe how someone feels about their responsibilities. For example, you could say that someone is “burdened by their responsibilities”, or “uninterested in responsibility”.

4. Use adjectives to describe the consequences of someone not fulfilling their responsibilities. For example, you could say that someone is “liable for damages”, or “accountable for their actions”.


Therefore, while using adjectives for responsibility, one must be careful to use the right adjective in the right context so as to convey the desired meaning accurately.

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