Adjectives for opinion

Adjectives for Opinion-Words to Describe Opinion

An opinion is a belief or judgment that a person holds about something. Adjectives that can be used to describe someone’s opinion include:

List of Adjectives for Opinion | Words to talk about Opinion

1. personal
2. individual
3. subjective
4. private
5. biased
6. prejudiced Adjectives for opinion

7. one-sided
8. parochial
9. narrow-minded
10. blinkered
11. short-sighted
12. hidebound
13. bigoted
14. obstinate
15. pig-headed
16. inflexible
17. set in one’s ways
18. conservative
19. old-fashioned
20. traditional
21. convinced
22. certain
23. sure
24. of the opinion that
25. under the impression that
26. persuaded that
27. satisfied that
28. doubtful
29. skeptical
30. unconvinced

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Adjectives for Expressing Opinion

1. I think
2. I believe
3. In my opinion
4. It seems to me that
5. As far as I can see
6. From what I can gather
7. If you ask me
8. To my way of thinking
9. In my estimation
10. I reckon
Adjectives for Value:
1. important
2. valuable
3. useful
4. precious
5. priceless
6. great
7. immeasurable
8. estimable
9. laudable
10. excellent

Adjectives for Public Opinion:

1. popular
2. prevailing
3. current
4. general
5. collective
6. majority
7. universal
8. unanimous
9. accepted
10. orthodox

Adjectives for Bad Opinion

1. foolish
2. unwise
3. senseless
4. irrational
5. idiotic
6. stupid
7. moronic
8. mindless
9. thoughtless
10. brainless

Opinion Adjectives for Clothes

1. fashionable
2. trendy
3. stylish
4. chic
5. up-to-date
6. modish
7. in vogue
8. à la mode
9. popular
10. well-liked

Adjectives for an Opinionated Person

1. opinionated
2. dogmatic
3. didactic
4. preachy
5. moralistic
6. self-righteous
7. sanctimonious
8. obtrusive
9. bossy
10. pushy

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Conclusion: Therefore, use these adjectives to describe someone’s opinion. I hope this was helpful.

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