Adjectives for Laughter-Words to Describe Laughter
Adjectives for Laughter: Following are the adjectives for laughter with meaning and example sentences:
1. uproarious: (adjective) causing great amusement; extremely funny.
e.g. The audience was in stitches at the comedian’s uproarious jokes.
2. convulsive: (adjective) relating to or involving muscular spasms.
e.g. She gave a convulsive laugh that sounded more like a sob.
3. hysterical: (adjective) uncontrollably excited or amused.
e.g. The girls were laughing hysterically at the silly jokes.
4. mirthless: (adjective) lacking humor or amusement.
e.g. He told some mirthless jokes that no one laughed at.
5. gleeful: (adjective) full of high-spirited delight.
e.g. The children were gleeful at the prospect of going to the circus.
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6. raucous: (adjective) loud and harsh-sounding.
e.g. The party next door was getting quite raucous by midnight.
7. throaty: (adjective) deep and husky.
e.g. She let out a throaty laugh when she saw the look on his face.
8. tittering: (adjective) giggling or laughing nervously or in a restrained way.
e.g. The audience was tittering throughout the comedian’s act.
9. cackling: (adjective) laughing in a harsh, high-pitched way.
e.g. The witch cackled evilly as she stirred her brew.
10. chuckling: (adjective) laughing in a soft, gentle way.
e.g. He was chuckling to himself as he walked down the street.
Tips how to use describing words for Laughter:
When you are writing about laughter, it is important to choose the right adjective to describe the type of laugh you are trying to portray. If you want to describe a laugh that is full of amusement, then you would use an adjective like uproarious or convulsive.
If you want to describe a laugh that is more nervous or restrained, then you would use an adjective like tittering or cackling.
And if you want to describe a laugh that is soft and gentle, then you would use an adjective like chuckling. Whichever adjective you choose, be sure to use it in a sentence that accurately describes the laugh you are trying to convey.
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Therefore, while using adjectives for laughter we should be careful about the context and environment of the situation. We should also take care of the age, gender and other similar factors of the person who is laughing. Laughter is a very important expression and an integral part of our life. A good laugh brightens up our day and our mood and it is always good to know a few adjectives to describe laughter!
I hope this helps. Thanks for reading!