Adjectives for Age – Words For age

Age is an important factor in our lives, and it can be described in many different ways. Adjectives are a great way to express the nuances of age, and there are many adjectives that can be used to describe age. In this article, we will explore some of the most common adjectives for age.

adjectives for age

List of Adjectives for Age  | List of Words For Age

1. Mature: having reached full mental or physical development.

2. Juvenile: relating to or characteristic of a young person marching on young age

3. Senior: of or relating to a person who is older than the average age.

4. Infantile: relating to or characteristic of a very young child.

5. Prepubescent: relating to or characteristic of a person who is not yet fully developed.

6. Puerile: relating to or characteristic of a child or immature person.

7. Adolescent: relating to or characteristic of a person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.

8. Aged: having reached a certain age.

9. Ancient: very old or of great age.

10. Elderly: of or relating to a person who is old and there should be concern for him


Age is an important factor in our lives, and it can be described in many different ways. Adjectives are a great way to express the nuances of age, and there are many adjectives that can be used to describe age. In this article, we explored some of the most common adjectives for age, such as mature, juvenile, senior, infantile, prepubescent, puerile, adolescent, aged, ancient, and elderly.


Q. What is the difference between juvenile and adolescent?

A. Juvenile refers to a person who is younger than the average age, while adolescent refers to a person who is in the process of developing from a child into an adult.

Q. What is the difference between aged and elderly?

A. Aged refers to a person who has reached a certain age, while elderly refers to a person who is old.

Q. What is the difference between ancient and mature?

A. Ancient refers to something that is very old or of great age, while mature refers to something that has reached full mental or physical development.

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