Fish Names that Start with Letter E

85+ Energetic Fish Names Starting with Letter E [ Fish Names ]

When it comes to fish, there are countless species found in different bodies of water around the world. Each one has its own unique characteristics and behaviors, making them all fascinating creatures in their own right. In this article, we will take a closer look at 25 fish names that start with the letter E.

Fish Names that Start with Letter E

1. Eel

Eels are long, snake-like fish that belong to the order Anguilliformes. They have a slender and scaleless body, as well as small pectoral fins and a prominent dorsal fin. These fascinating creatures can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments.

2. Eagle Ray

The eagle ray is a type of cartilaginous fish that belongs to the family Myliobatidae. They are characterized by their flat body and long, pointed snout. These graceful creatures can be found in warm ocean waters around the world.

3. Emperor Angelfish

The emperor angelfish is a brightly colored fish with striking blue and yellow patterns on its body. They belong to the family Pomacanthidae and can be found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region.

4. Electric Eel

The electric eel is a unique fish that has the ability to produce electric shocks to stun their prey or defend themselves from predators. They are native to South America and belong to the order Gymnotiformes.

5. Escalator Fish

The escalator fish, also known as the flathead fish, is a type of ray-finned fish that belongs to the family Platycephalidae. They have a distinctive flattened head and can be found in coastal waters of Australia and New Zealand.

6. Escolar

Escolar is a deep-sea fish that belongs to the family Gempylidae. They are known for their oily flesh, which can cause digestive issues in humans if consumed in large quantities.

7. Ember Tetra

The ember tetra is a small freshwater fish that belongs to the family Characidae. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their beautiful bright orange coloration.

8. Epaulette Shark

The epaulette shark is a small, bottom-dwelling shark that belongs to the family Hemiscylliidae. They have unique adaptations that allow them to “walk” on their fins in shallow water.

9. European Bass

Also known as sea bass or common bass, the European bass is a popular game fish found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea. They belong to the family Moronidae.

10. Elephant Nose Fish

The elephant nose fish, also known as the baby whalefish, is a small but unique freshwater fish that belongs to the family Mormyridae. They are characterized by their elongated snout, which resembles an elephant’s trunk.

11. Epaulette Soldierfish

The epaulette soldierfish is a brightly colored reef fish that belongs to the family Holocentridae. They are commonly found in tropical waters and have unique adaptations such as being able to see ultraviolet light.

12. Emerald Catfish

Emerald catfish, also known as the bronze corydoras, are a species of small freshwater fish belonging to the family Callichthyidae. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their peaceful nature and unique coloration.

13. Emperor Snakehead

The emperor snakehead is a predatory freshwater fish that belongs to the family Channidae. They have a long, snake-like body and sharp teeth, making them formidable hunters in their natural habitat.

14. Estuarine Stonefish

The estuarine stonefish is a highly venomous fish that belongs to the family Synanceiidae. They are found in shallow coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region and have built-in camouflage to blend in with their surroundings.

15. Electric Catfish

The electric catfish is a freshwater fish that belongs to the family Malapteruridae. They are known for their ability to produce weak electrical discharges, which they use for navigation and communication.

16. Epaulette Surgeonfish

The epaulette surgeonfish is a small tropical fish that belongs to the family Acanthuridae. They are characterized by their bright yellow color and distinctive black spot on their dorsal fin.

17. Eastern Black Goby

The eastern black goby is a small, bottom-dwelling fish that belongs to the family Gobiidae. They have a dark brown or black coloration and can be found in coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea.

18. European Conger

The European conger is a large eel-like fish that belongs to the family Congridae. They can grow up to 6 feet long and are found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea.

19. Eastern Rainbowfish

The eastern rainbowfish is a colorful freshwater fish that belongs to the family Melanotaeniidae. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their peaceful nature and vibrant coloration.

20. Emperor Bream

The emperor bream is a large, deep-sea fish that belongs to the family Lethrinidae. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world and have a distinctive blue coloration.

21. Emerald Perch

The emerald perch, also known as the freshwater mangrove jack, is a popular sport fish found in northern Australia. They belong to the family Latidae and are known for their aggressive nature.

22. Eastern Mosquitofish

The eastern mosquitofish is a small freshwater fish that belongs to the family Poeciliidae. They are found in slow-moving bodies of water and are often used as biological control for mosquito populations.

23. Emperor Red Snapper

The emperor red snapper is a large, prized game fish found in tropical waters around the world. They belong to the family Lutjanidae and have a distinctive reddish-pink coloration.

24. Electric Stargazer

The electric stargazer is a unique bottom-dwelling fish that belongs to the family Uranoscopidae. They have a flattened body and two large, upward-facing eyes on top of their head.

25. Eastern Blue Devilfish

The eastern blue devilfish, also known as the common blue devilfish, is a small reef fish found in the eastern Pacific Ocean. They belong to the family Cirrhitidae and have a vibrant blue coloration with red markings on their fins. 

More Fish Names Starting with Letter E:

S.No Fish Name Description
1 Electric Eel Despite its name, the Electric Eel is actually a type of knifefish and can generate an electric shock to stun prey and deter predators.
2 Eel Catfish This African species is known for its elongated body and ability to breathe air.
3 Emperor Angelfish A popular aquarium fish, the Emperor Angelfish is noted for its vibrant colors and striking patterns.
4 Elephantnose Fish Known for its long, trunk-like snout, the Elephantnose Fish uses electrical fields to navigate and find food.
5 European Perch A freshwater species native to Europe and Asia, the European Perch is a popular game fish.
6 Epaulette Shark Named for the large spots on its body, which resemble military epaulettes, this small shark can walk on land using its fins.
7 Eastern Cleaner Clingfish This tiny Australian species cleans parasites off larger fish.
8 European Eel This critically endangered species migrates from Europe to the Sargasso Sea to spawn.
9 Ember Tetra A small freshwater fish, the Ember Tetra is popular in aquariums due to its bright orange-red color.
10 Electric Catfish Found in Africa, the Electric Catfish can produce an electric shock as a defense mechanism.
11 Elongate Glass-Perchlet A small, transparent fish found in freshwater habitats in Southeast Asia.
12 Emperor Snapper A large, commercially important species found in the Indo-Pacific region.
13 Eastern Rainbowfish Native to Australia, the Eastern Rainbowfish is known for its vibrant colors.
14 Electric Ray A group of rays that can produce an electric shock to stun prey or for defense.
15 European Flounder A flatfish species common in marine and brackish waters in Europe.
16 Eastern Frogfish A small, bottom-dwelling species known for its ability to change color to blend in with its surroundings.
17 Emperor Cichlid A large, colorful freshwater fish found in Africa’s Lake Tanganyika.
18 Eurasian Ruffe A small, spiny fish native to brackish and freshwater habitats in Europe and Asia.
19 Emerald Catfish A small, greenish catfish that is popular in the aquarium trade.
20 European Whitefish A freshwater fish found across northern Europe, known for its silvery color.
21 Everglades Pygmy Sunfish A tiny freshwater fish native to Florida, known for its vibrant colors.
22 Eastern Smooth Boxfish A small, box-shaped fish found along the east coast of Australia.
23 Eyespot Pufferfish Known for the distinctive “eyespot” near its tail, this species is found in the Indo-Pacific region.
24 European Conger Eel The largest eel species, found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
25 Elegant Firefish A colorful saltwater fish known for its elongated dorsal fin.
26 Ember Parrotfish A tropical marine fish known for its bright colors and ability to change its sex.
27 Estuarine Stonefish One of the most venomous fish in the world, found in the Indo-Pacific region.
28 Eastern Blue Groper Despite its name, this is actually a large species of wrasse found in the coastal waters of eastern Australia.
29 Eagle Ray Known for their long, pointed wings and spotted patterns, Eagle Rays are often seen gracefully gliding through the ocean.
30 European Seabass A popular game and food fish found in the waters around Europe.
31 Eastern Freshwater Cod An endangered species of cod found in a few river systems in eastern Australia.
32 Emerald Shiner A small, silvery fish native to North America, often used as bait in sport fishing.
33 Egyptian Mouthbrooder A small cichlid from Africa known for the way it carries its eggs and fry in its mouth.
34 Emerald Crab Although not a fish, the Emerald Crab is often included in aquariums for its algae-eating habits.
35 European Chub A freshwater fish common in Europe, known for its large size and aggressive behavior.
36 Eastern Mosquitofish A small, live-bearing fish native to the United States, often used for mosquito control.
37 Elongate Mbuna A species of cichlid from Lake Malawi in Africa, known for its elongated body.
38 Emperor Red Snapper A large, commercially important fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
39 Elephant Fish A type of cartilaginous fish found in southern Australia and New Zealand, known for its long, elephant trunk-like snout.
40 Endler’s Livebearer A small, brightly colored fish often kept in aquariums, closely related to the guppy.
41 Eastern Bettong Not a fish but a small marsupial, the Eastern Bettong is included here due to its aquatic-themed name.
42 Escolar A deep-sea species known for its rich, oily flesh, which can cause digestive issues in some people.
43 Eye-spot Cichlid A freshwater fish from Central America, known for the distinctive black spot on its flank.
44 Eel Cod A deep-sea species with an eel-like body, found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
45 European Carp A freshwater fish native to Asia but widely introduced elsewhere, often considered a pest due to its impact on native species.
46 Eurasian Minnow A small, schooling fish native to Europe and Asia, often used as bait in fishing.
47 Eastern Talma A small, brightly colored fish found on reefs in the western Pacific Ocean.
48 Elongate Notho A small, brightly colored killifish native to Africa.
49 Emperor Tetra A small, tropical freshwater fish known for its regal appearance and peaceful nature.
50 Eastern Sand Darter A small, bottom-dwelling fish native to North America, known for its ability to burrow in sand.
51 Emerald Pufferfish A small, greenish pufferfish often kept in aquariums.
52 Eel Blenny A small, eel-like fish found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
53 Eurasian Bitterling A small, freshwater fish native to Europe and Asia, known for its unusual reproductive habits involving freshwater mussels.
54 Eastern School Whiting A small, schooling fish found in the coastal waters of southeastern Australia.
55 Eightbar Grouper A large, predatory fish found in the Indo-Pacific region, known for its distinctive vertical stripes.
56 European Bullhead A small, bottom-dwelling fish native to Europe, known for its broad head and spiny fins.
57 Eeltail Catfish A group of catfish native to the Indo-Pacific region, known for their elongated, eel-like tails.
58 Elegant Squat Lobster Although not a fish, this small crustacean is often found in deep-sea habitats and is known for its elegant appearance.
59 Ember Barb A small, brightly colored fish native to Southeast Asia, often kept in aquariums.
60 Eastern Happy A small, brightly colored fish found on reefs in the western Indian Ocean.
61 European Grayling A freshwater fish native to Europe, known for its large dorsal fin and silvery color.
62 Eastern Cleaner Clingfish A small fish found off the east coast of Australia, known for cleaning parasites from other fish.
63 Eulachon Also known as candlefish, these small fish are rich in oil and were historically used as candles.
64 Emerald Rasbora A small, brightly colored fish native to Southeast Asia, often kept in aquariums.
65 Eight-Lined Wrasse A colorful marine fish known for the eight horizontal lines running down its body.
66 European Pilchard Also known as sardines, these small, oily fish are a significant food source for humans and marine animals.
67 Elongated Dottyback A small, brightly colored fish found in the western Pacific Ocean, known for its elongated body.
68 Emperor Gudgeon A small, bottom-dwelling fish native to Australia and New Guinea, often kept in aquariums.
69 European Sprat A small, schooling fish found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, often used in fishmeal or canned for human consumption.
70 Eastern Blue Devilfish A vibrant blue fish native to the coastal waters of eastern Australia, known for its striking appearance.


Overall, there are many fascinating fish species that start with the letter E, each with unique characteristics and adaptations for survival in their respective environments. From brightly colored reef fish to large predatory species, these fish add diversity and beauty to the world’s aquatic ecosystems. So next time you’re at an aquarium or out fishing, keep an eye out for these amazing fish and appreciate their role in our planet’s biodiversity.

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