Fish Names that Start with Letter F

75 All Time Favorite Fish Names Starting with Letter F [ Fish Names ]

If you’re an avid fish lover, then you know that there are thousands of different species of fish in the world. From freshwater to saltwater, from tropical to polar climates, these creatures come in all shapes and sizes. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at 25 types of fish whose names begin with the letter F. By the end of this list, you’ll have a better understanding of the diversity of fish in our oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Fish Names that Start with Letter F

1. Flounder

Flounders are a type of flatfish that are found in both saltwater and freshwater habitats. They are known for their unique body shape with both eyes on one side. These bottom-dwelling fish are often caught for food and can range in size from 3 inches to over 6 feet.

2. Flying Fish

Flying fish may look like they have wings, but they actually use their fins to glide above the water’s surface. They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans and can reach speeds of up to 37 miles per hour while flying. These fish are a popular food source in many cultures.

3. Flounder Goby

The flounder goby is a small, colorful fish that can be found in freshwater and brackish water habitats. They have a unique behavior of using their pectoral fins to hop along the bottom of the water rather than swim. These fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

4. Fusilier Fish

Fusilier fish are a type of schooling fish that can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans. They are known for their bright colors and slim, elongated body shape. These fish play an important role in marine ecosystems as prey for larger predatory fish.

5. Freshwater Stingray

As the name suggests, freshwater stingrays live in freshwater habitats such as rivers and lakes. They have a flat body shape with wide pectoral fins that resemble wings. These fish are not aggressive towards humans but their venomous tail can cause harm if stepped on.

6. Fantail Guppy

Fantail guppies are a popular type of aquarium fish known for their bright colors and elaborate tail fins. They are easy to care for and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. These fish are social creatures and do best when kept in groups.

7. Frilled Shark

The frilled shark is an ancient species of fish that has remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. They have a unique appearance with a long, eel-like body and rows of needle-like teeth. These elusive fish are found in deep-sea habitats.

8. Fire Goby

Fire gobies, also known as firefish, are a type of tropical marine fish known for their bright red or orange color. They have elongated bodies with large dorsal fins that resemble flames. These fish are popular among saltwater aquarium owners.

9. Fire Eel

The fire eel is a type of freshwater fish that is known for its long, snake-like body and vibrant orange color. They are nocturnal creatures that feed on small crustaceans and other invertebrates. These fish can grow up to 3 feet in length.

10. Flathead Catfish

Flathead catfish, also known as shovelhead catfish, are a popular sport fish found in freshwater habitats. They have a distinctive flat head and can reach weights of over 100 pounds. These fish are known for their strong fighting abilities.

11. Freshwater Drum

Freshwater drums, also known as sheepshead or gaspergou, are a type of fish found in North American waters. They have a unique appearance with a deep, compressed body and large scales. These fish are popular among anglers for their strong fighting abilities.

12. Frogfish

Frogfish are a type of marine fish known for their ability to camouflage themselves to blend in with their surroundings. They have unique color patterns and appendages that resemble algae or sponges. These fish are ambush predators, using their camouflage to catch prey.

13. Flagfin Angelfish

Flagfin angelfish are a type of tropical marine fish found in the Indo-Pacific region. They have a distinct black and white color pattern with long, flowing dorsal and anal fins. These fish are commonly kept in saltwater aquariums due to their striking appearance.

14. Finetooth Shark

Finetooth sharks are a type of small shark found in warm, shallow coastal waters. They have a slender body with distinctively large dorsal fins and can reach lengths of up to 5 feet. These sharks are not aggressive towards humans and pose no threat.

15. Fiddler Crab

Fiddler crabs are a type of crustacean found in intertidal zones and brackish water habitats. They have one large claw that is used for communication and defense, giving them their distinctive name. These crabs make interesting pets and are popular in the aquarium trade.

16. False Clownfish

False clownfish, also known as the false anemonefish, are a type of tropical marine fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They have a unique orange and white color pattern with three white bars on their body. These fish are popular among saltwater aquarium owners.

17. Fourspot Butterflyfish

Fourspot butterflyfish are a type of tropical marine fish that can be found in the Caribbean Sea and western Atlantic Ocean. They have a distinctive black and white color pattern with four distinct spots on their body. These fish are popular among divers for their vibrant appearance.

18. Forkbeard

Forkbeards, also known as rocklings, are a type of deep-sea fish found in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas. They have long, slender bodies with a large head and sharp teeth. These fish are popular among commercial fishermen for their tasty flesh.

19. Frogfish

Frogfishes are a type of marine fish known for their ability to camouflage themselves to blend in with their surroundings. They have unique color patterns and appendages that resemble algae or sponges. These fish are ambush predators, using their camouflage to catch prey.

20. Fairy Wrasse

Fairy wrasses are a type of tropical marine fish that can be found in the Indo-Pacific region. They have a vibrant color pattern with elongated dorsal and anal fins. These fish are popular among saltwater aquarium owners for their striking appearance.

21. Flathead Grey Mullet

Flathead grey mullet, also known as flathead mullet, are a type of silvery-colored fish found in temperate and subtropical waters. They have a distinctive flattened head and can reach lengths of up to 3 feet. These fish are popular among commercial fishermen for their tasty flesh.

22. Feather Duster Worm

Feather duster worms, also known as fan worms, are a type of marine worm found in tropical and temperate waters. They have a distinctive feather-like structure that they use for filter feeding. These worms play an important role in marine ecosystems.

23. Freshwater Moray Eel

Freshwater moray eels are a type of eel found in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and streams. They have a long, snake-like body and sharp teeth used for catching prey. These eels make unique pets but require specialized care.

24. Flying Gurnard

Flying gurnards are a type of fish found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They have large, wing-like pectoral fins that they use to glide across the water’s surface. These fish are popular among anglers for their unique appearance and strong fighting abilities.

25. Fiddler Ray

Fiddler rays, also known as banjo sharks, are a type of ray found in shallow waters around Australia and New Zealand. They have a distinctive body shape with large pectoral fins that resemble wings. These rays are harmless to humans and make interesting additions to aquariums.

More Fish Names Starting with Letter F

S.No Fish Name Description
1 Flounder Flounders are flat, bottom-dwelling ocean fish known for their ability to camouflage with the ocean floor.
2 Flying Fish Known for their ability to “fly” by gliding above the water’s surface to escape predators.
3 Fangtooth Fish This deep-sea dweller gets its name from its long, sharp teeth.
4 Firefish A vibrantly colored marine fish that spreads its fins like a fan when threatened.
5 Fathead Minnow A North American freshwater species often used as bait in fishing.
6 Flagfin Angelfish Tropical marine fish known for its beautiful patterns and flag-like dorsal fin.
7 Flame Hawkfish A brightly colored tropical fish known for its bold red color.
8 Filefish Named for their rough, file-like skin, these fish have long, slender bodies and small heads.
9 Freshwater Eel Despite their snake-like appearance, Freshwater Eels are actually a type of fish.
10 French Angelfish A large, flat fish with bright yellow stripes found in the western Atlantic Ocean.
11 Flagtail Characin A South American freshwater fish known for the striking black and white pattern on its tail.
12 Flier Fish A North American freshwater species known for its disc-shaped body and ability to jump out of the water.
13 Frigate Tuna This fast-swimming ocean predator is found in warm waters around the world.
14 Fairy Basslet A small, brightly colored reef fish found in the Atlantic Ocean.
15 False Clownfish Also known as the Anemonefish, it shares a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.
16 Flame Cardinalfish A tropical marine fish known for its vibrant red color.
17 Freshwater Drum A North American freshwater fish known for the drumming sound it makes.
18 Freckled Porcupinefish Known for its ability to inflate its body into a ball shape when threatened.
19 Fourspot Butterflyfish Named for the four dark spots on its sides, this species is common in the coral reefs of the Atlantic Ocean.
20 Foxface Rabbitfish Named for its fox-like face and rabbit-like mouth, this species is found in the western Pacific Ocean.
21 Fantail Goldfish A popular aquarium fish known for its distinctive, fan-shaped tail.
22 Fire Eel Despite its name, the Fire Eel is actually a type of knifefish, not an eel.
23 Fountain Darter A small, endangered freshwater fish native to Texas.
24 Forktail Blenny A small marine fish known for its elongated body and forked tail.
25 Frostfin Cardinalfish A small, tropical marine fish known for its vibrant colors and peaceful demeanor.
26 Flameback Angelfish A small, brightly colored marine fish known for the striking red color on its back.
27 Freshwater Pipefish A slender, elongated fish that resembles a straightened seahorse.
28 Flag Cichlid A South American freshwater fish known for its beautiful patterns and colors.
29 Fat Sleeper A species of goby found in the western Atlantic Ocean, known for its chunky body.
30 Finescale Triggerfish A large, tropical marine fish known for the “trigger” spine on its dorsal fin.
31 Freckled Goatfish Known for its ability to change color and the pair of barbels on its chin.
32 Featherfin Squeaker A type of catfish known for the strange squeaking noise it makes.
33 Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish A small, brightly colored fish native to the reefs of Fiji.
34 Flame Wrasse A small, brightly colored fish found in the Pacific Ocean.
35 Freshwater Garfish Despite its name, this species can be found in both fresh and salt water and is known for its long, slender body.
36 Flame Gourami A small, brightly colored freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
37 Freckled Hawkfish Known for its freckled pattern, this species is found in the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean.
38 Flame Parrotfish A tropical marine fish known for its vibrant red color and parrot-like beak.
39 Four-Eyed Fish A unique species that spends most of its time at the water’s surface and has eyes adapted to see both above and below the water.
40 Freshwater Pufferfish Unlike their saltwater relatives, these puffers are adapted to live in freshwater habitats.
41 Firemouth Cichlid A popular aquarium fish known for the bright red color on its throat and belly.
42 Fusilier Fish Known for their streamlined bodies and large schools, Fusiliers are common in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
43 Freckled Darter A small, bottom-dwelling freshwater fish native to North America.
44 Flavescent Peacock A type of cichlid found in Lake Malawi, known for its yellowish color.
45 Fairy Wrasse A small, brightly colored fish found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
46 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish A small, venomous marine fish known for its elaborate fins and slow, hovering movement.
47 Flagtail Surgeonfish A tropical marine fish known for the sharp “scalpel” at the base of its tail.
48 Fancy Guppy Known for their bright colors and long, flowing fins, Fancy Guppies are a popular choice for aquariums.
49 Freshwater Barracuda Despite its name, this species is not related to true barracudas and is actually a type of characin.
50 Fire Coral Goby A small, brightly colored fish that lives among fire corals in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
51 Festive Cichlid A South American freshwater fish known for its beautiful patterns and colors.
52 Florida Gar A large, predatory freshwater fish native to the southeastern United States.
53 Flame Angel Fish Known for its vibrant red-orange color, the Flame Angel is a popular choice for saltwater aquariums.
54 Flame Tail Blenny A small marine fish known for the striking red color on its tail.
55 Freckled Madtom A small species of catfish found in North America, known for its freckled pattern.
56 Frontosa Cichlid A large, predatory fish native to Lake Tanganyika in Africa.
57 Fimbriated Moray Eel A large, elongated fish known for its fimbriated or fringed appearance around the mouth.
58 Fairy Basslet A small, brightly colored fish found in the Atlantic Ocean.
59 Forkbeard A North Atlantic species known for its forked beard-like barbels.
60 Fusco Cichlid A large, aggressive fish native to Lake Malawi in Africa.
61 Freckled Goby A small, bottom-dwelling marine fish known for its freckled pattern.
62 Flame Tetra A small, brightly colored freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
63 Fivelined Cardinalfish A small, tropical marine fish known for the five distinct lines running down its body.
64 Freshwater Stingray Native to South America, these rays are known for the venomous barb on their tail.
65 Freckled Porcupinefish Known for its ability to inflate its body into a ball shape when threatened.
66 Flagtail Prochilodus A large, herbivorous freshwater fish native to South America.
67 Flameback Bleeding Heart Tetra A small, brightly colored freshwater fish known for the red spot on its side.
68 Fire Goby A small, brightly colored fish found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
69 Freckled Sea Catfish A species of catfish found in the western Atlantic Ocean, known for its freckled pattern.
70 Fairy Tilefish A colorful, bottom-dwelling marine fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


These are just some of the many fish species that start with the letter F. Each one has its own unique characteristics, making them fascinating creatures to learn about and observe. Whether you’re an avid angler or a saltwater aquarium enthusiast, there’s always something new and interesting to discover about these underwater creatures. So next time you come across a fish that starts with F, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and learn more about its role in the marine ecosystem.

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