Adjectives for Defrauder – Words For Defrauder

When it comes to describing a defrauder, there are many adjectives that can be used to accurately portray the individual. A defrauder is someone who deliberately deceives or cheats another person or organization for their own personal gain. This type of behavior is illegal and can have serious consequences. In this article, we will explore some of the adjectives that can be used to describe a defrauder.

List of Adjectives for Defrauder

1. Deceitful: Deceitful means to deliberately deceive or mislead someone. A defrauder is often deceitful in their actions, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

2. Dishonest: Dishonest means to act in a way that is not truthful or trustworthy. A defrauder is often dishonest in their dealings, as they are trying to get something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

3. Fraudulent: Fraudulent means to act in a way that is illegal or unethical. A defrauder is often fraudulent in their actions, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

adjectives for fraudesters

4. Greedy: Greedy means to be excessively eager or avaricious for wealth, possessions, or other advantages. A defrauder is often greedy in their actions, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

5. Manipulative: Manipulative means to use cunning or devious means to achieve one’s ends. A defrauder is often manipulative in their actions, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

6. Sly: Sly means to be cunning or crafty. A defrauder is often sly in their actions and demeanor, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.

7. Unscrupulous: Unscrupulous means to be lacking in principles or morals. A defrauder is often unscrupulous in their actions, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.


In conclusion, there are many adjectives that can be used to accurately describe a defrauder. These adjectives include deceitful, dishonest, fraudulent, greedy, manipulative, sly, and unscrupulous. All of these adjectives accurately portray the behavior of a defrauder, as they are trying to gain something for themselves without the other person’s knowledge.


Q1. What is a defrauder?

A1. A defrauder is someone who deliberately deceives or cheats another person or organization for their own personal gain.

Q2. What are some adjectives that can be used to describe a defrauder?

A2. Some adjectives that can be used to describe a defrauder include deceitful, dishonest, fraudulent, greedy, manipulative, sly, and unscrupulous.

Q3. Is defrauding illegal?

A3. Yes, defrauding is illegal and can have serious consequences.

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