Adjectives for Smoke – Words to Describe About Smoke

Smoke is a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance. It can be created from a variety of sources, including cigarettes, cigars, wood burning, and even wildfires. Smoke can be described in many ways, and there are a variety of adjectives that can be used to describe it. In this article, we will explore some of the most common adjectives used to describe smoke.

adjectives for smoke

Adjectives for Smoke | Words For Smoke

Acrid: Acrid smoke has a strong, unpleasant smell. It is often associated with burning rubber or plastic.

Billowing: Billowing smoke is thick and rises in large clouds.

Choking: Choking smoke is thick and can make it difficult to breathe.

Dark: Dark smoke is usually associated with a fire that is burning something that produces a lot of soot, such as coal or oil.

Foul: Foul smoke has an unpleasant smell, often associated with burning garbage or chemicals.

Hazy: Hazy smoke is a light, fog-like smoke that is often seen in the distance.

Pungent: Pungent smoke has a strong, unpleasant smell. It is often associated with burning rubber or plastic.

Smoky: Smoky smoke is thick and has a smoky smell.

Sooty: Sooty smoke is thick and has a lot of soot in it.

Stale: Stale smoke has a stale, musty smell.

Thick: Thick smoke is dense and can be difficult to breathe through.

White: White smoke is usually associated with a fire that is burning something that produces a lot of steam, such as wood or paper.


Smoke can be described in many ways, and there are a variety of adjectives that can be used to describe it. From acrid to white, these adjectives can help to accurately describe the type of smoke that is present. Understanding the different adjectives for smoke can help to better understand the source of the smoke and the potential dangers that it may pose.


What is acrid smoke?

Acrid smoke has a strong, unpleasant smell. It is often associated with burning rubber or plastic.

What is billowing smoke?

Billowing smoke is thick and rises in large clouds.

What is white smoke?

White smoke is usually associated with a fire that is burning something that produces a lot of steam, such as wood or paper

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