Adjectives for Space-Describing Words For Space
We refer at space in the course of our daily reading, writing and talking. And, fortunately, there are a plenty of adjectives to choose from when we describe space.
List of Adjectives For Space | Words For Space
Some of the adjectives given below may be used to describe physical space, while others may describe more figurative or abstract space.
1. Adjectives for Physical Space: spacious, small, cramped, tight, little, big, huge, large
2. Adjectives for Abstract Space: imaginary, mental, conceptual, psychological, virtual
3. Other Interesting Adjectives: infinite, immeasurable, boundless, eternal, unending
4. Texture Adjectives: cold, dark, hot, light, bright
5. Shape Adjectives: circular, square, triangular, spherical, cylindrical
6. Direction Adjectives: up, down, sideways, east, west, north, south
7. Time Adjectives: ancient, olden, medieval
8. Size Adjectives: miniature, tiny, gigantesque
9. Color Adjectives: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
Adjectives for Space in Art
1. ethereal
2. celestial
3. sublime
4. cosmic
5. galactic
6. interstellar
7. universal
8. nebular
9. starry
10. planetary
11. solar
12. lunar
13. terrestrial
14. earthly
15. atmospheric
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Adjectives for Space Travel
1. astronauts
2. space shuttle
3. space station
4. spacewalk
5. launch
6. re-entry
7. orbit
8. telescope
9. probe
10. satellite
11. rocket
12. spaceship
13. module
Adjectives for space ks1
1. out-of-this-world
2. astronomical
3. alien
4. cosmopolitan
5. interstellar
6. lonely
7. remote
8. deserted
9. uninhabited
10. barren
Adjectives for space race
1. competitive
2. dangerous
3. pioneering
4. ambitious
5. adventurous
6. exploratory
7. challenging
8. risky
9. uncertain
10. potentially fatal
Adjectives for Spaceship
1. advanced
2. state-of-the-art
3. high-tech
4. cutting edge
5. sophisticated
6. complex
7. expensive
8. luxurious
9. spacious
10. roomy
Adjectives for space station
1. artificial
2. man-made
3. orbiting
4. satellite
5. space-based
6. international
7. collaborative
8. research-oriented
9. technology-driven
10. ambitious
Conclusion: Therefore, these are some of the adjectives which can be used to describe space. So, the next time you are describing space in your art, literature or everyday conversation, do not forget to use these interesting adjectives.
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