Adjectives for Education-Words to Describe about Education

Adjectives for Education-Words to Describe about Education

Adjectives for Education: Following are the adjectives for Education with Meaning and Example Sentence: 1. Academic: Of or relating to school and education. (He has an academic background in physics.) 2. Accessible: Easy to obtain or approach. (The school should be accessible to all students.) 3.Active: Involving physical activity. (We need more active learning methods…

Adjectives for Building-Words to Describe Building

Adjectives for Building-Words to Describe Building

Adjectives for Building: Following are the adjectives for Building each with Meaning and Example Sentence. 1. Abandoned: no longer in use or occupied The building was abandoned after the war. 2. Ancient: very old The ancient buildings were destroyed in the fire. 3. Architects: a person who designs buildings The architect designed the building to…

Adjectives for Sight-Words to Describe Sight

Adjectives for Sight-Words to Describe Sight

Adjectives for Sight:  Following are the adjectives for sight each with meaning and example sentence. 1. Awe-inspiring: causing feelings of reverence, admiration, or fear. The sight of the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring. 2. Beautiful: pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. She had a beautiful smile. 3. Breathtaking: so overwhelming that one is unable to speak….

Adjectives for Stress-Words to Describe Stress

Adjectives for Stress-Words to Describe Stress

Adjectives for Stress: Following are the adjectives for Stress with Meaning and Example Sentence of each: 1. Overwhelming: feeling so stressed that you can’t cope The sheer volume of work was overwhelming and I quickly became frazzled. 2. Exhausting: causing physical or mental weariness Just getting out of bed in the morning is exhausting for…

Adjectives for Determination-Words to Describe Determination

Adjectives for Determination-Words to Describe Determination

Adjective for Determination: Following are the adjectives for determination each with meaning and example sentence. 1. Resolute: having or showing firmness of purpose or intent; determined. – The resolute expression on her face showed that she was not going to give up easily. 2. Unwavering: not varying or fluctuating; steady. – Despite the many challenges…

Adjectives for Pride-Words to Describe Pride

Adjectives for Pride-Words to Describe Pride

Adjectives for Pride: Following are the adjectives for Pride each with meaning and example sentence. 1. Proud: feeling self-respect or pleasure in something done by oneself or ones own “I am proud of my achievements.” 2. Haughty: having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself “He was haughty and disdainful of others.” 3. arrogant:…

Adjectives for Achievement-Words to Describe Achievement

Adjectives for Achievement-Words to Describe Achievement

Adjective for Achievement: Following are the adjectives for achievement each with meaning and example sentence. Achieved: brought about or accomplished successfully; “a successful coup”; “a achieved goal” Outstanding: distinguished from other things of a similar kind; “his outstanding achievement in mathematics”; “an outstanding performance by a young violinist”; “a outstanding success”; “achieved an outstanding reputation…

Adjectives for Feelings | Words to describe your feelings

Adjectives for Feelings | Words to describe your feelings

There are so many ways to describe the way you feel. Being able to understand and express your feelings can help with coping, socializing, and so much else in life. Learning the language of emotions is a great way to learn how others might be feeling. Best Words to Express Feelings | Happy, Sad, Joy…

Adjectives for Actors | Words to Describe about Actors

Adjectives for Actors | Words to Describe about Actors

An actor is a person who acts in a play, television show, film, or similar media. Actors are often found on stage or in cinema. An actor has to act convincingly so that the audience believes they are acting rather than just standing there. Therefore an actor needs many skills including but not limited to…