adjectives for computer

Adjective For Computer | Words to describe about the Computer

There are many types of computers and there exists a lot of adjectives to describe them. Here is a list of some examples:

Adjectives for Computer | Words to Describe about Computer with Meaning 

Following are few very important words that you can vividly use to describe about the computer. These words are meant to make your expression more clear and refined

1. Active: A computer is active when it’s on and working correctly.

2. Alive: If you describe a computer as alive, you mean that it has a life of its own, and is capable of making decisions by itself.

3. Animated: If you describe a computer as animated, you mean that it seems to be moving or alive.

4. Energetic:

If you describe a computer as energetic, you mean that it seems lively and active.

adjectives for computer

If something is described as being energetic, it seems quick and active.

5. Efficient:

If you describe a computer as efficient, it means that it doesn’t take too much time or energy to complete a task.

Something that is described as efficient takes the minimum of time and energy to accomplish or achieve its goal.

6. Erratic: If you describe a computer as erratic, you mean that it seems to behave in an unpredictable way.

7. Expressive: If you describe a computer as expressive, you mean that it is able to produce clear and meaningful images on the screen.

8. Fast:

If a computer is fast, it works quickly and efficiently.

Something that’s described as being fast occurs or progresses quickly.

9. Functional: A computer is functional when it’s working correctly and doing what it was built to do.

10. Intelligent: If you describe a computer as intelligent, it means that it has the ability to think and learn.

11. Lively: If you describe a computer as lively, it means that it seems full of energy or life.

12. Robust: A computer is robust if it can be used easily and without causing damage to itself.

13. Smooth: If you describe a computer as smooth, you mean that it runs without problems or delays.

14. Strong:

– A computer is strong if it can complete tasks quickly, easily, and without causing damage to itself.

– If something is described as being strong, it has the power needed for a particular purpose or situation.

15. Sturdy: A computer is sturdy if it can be used for a long time without damage.

16. Tidy: A computer is tidy if its programs and files are all in the correct places.

17. Well-built: If you describe a computer as well-built, you mean that it is able to work for a long time without causing much damage.

18. Well-maintained: A computer is well-maintained if it still works well and is in a good condition despite being used heavily.

19. Well-organized: A computer is well-organized if its programs and files are arranged in a logical or clear way.

20. Well-performing: If you describe a computer as well-performing, you mean that it is able to work with few problems and errors.

21. Well-programmed: A computer is well-programmed if its programs and files are arranged in a logical way.

22. Well-running: If you describe a computer as well-running, you mean that it runs smoothly and is in good working order.

Negative Words to describe a Computer

Following are a few words that you can use to mention or talk about the negative points of computers.

1. Annoying: An annoying computer makes you feel impatient and irritated, and often interrupts what you’re doing.

2. Buggy: A buggy computer has errors or problems that make it unreliable.

3. Cluttered: If you describe a computer as cluttered, you mean that it has too many programs running at once.

4. Cramped: If you describe a computer as cramped, you mean that it has very little free space left.

5. Creepy: A creepy computer makes you feel a bit frightened or uncomfortable.

6. Dirty: A dirty computer has become dusty and unclean, so it cannot be used easily.

7. Glitchy: A glitchy computer has errors or problems that make it unreliable.

8. Grotty: A grotty computer is old and so has become dirty and damaged as time has passed.

9. Lagging: A computer is lagging when it’s not able to keep up with what you’re doing.

10. Messy: A messy computer has programs and files in a higgledy-piggledy way, rather than being properly organized.

11. Outdated: An outdated computer is old and so has become out of date.

12. Out of date: A computer is out of date if it’s old and was made with technology that is no longer used.

13. Slow: A slow computer is unable to work quickly and efficiently, often making you feel impatient.

14. Unreliable: An unreliable computer often quits working unexpectedly, so it sometimes fails to do what you want.


If you want to get an article about something else that is related with computer, like “Computer Parts”, then you can search it on the web and the result will be shown to you. But if you are reading this article right now, then it means that you want to know something about computers, or maybe you are searching for adjectives to describe a computer. I hope this article helps you with your work about computer, thank you very much for reading this article. If you have any questions please leave a comment down below, thank you! 🙂

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