adjectives for architecture

Adjectives for Architecture | Words to describe about the Architecture

How do you describe architecture? Would you use adjectives to describe architecture? Descriptive words for architecture are chosen depending on what you want to capture, or if there is anything you want to convey.

Adjectives for Architecture | Words to Describe about Architecture with Meaning 

Adjectives for architecture are chosen depending on what you want to capture, or if there is anything you want to convey. Descriptive words for architecture are chosen depending on what you want to capture, or if there is anything you want to convey. To capture or describe a building, architects look at the composition of a building using different words and phrases. adjectives for architecture

A solid and stable structure is considered as a high building compared to a tall one. Words such as “structure, design, facade” are used to describe the appearance of a

Minimalist – Simple with few or no elements

Eclectic Architecture –       Pieces of work from different sources combined

Reflective –     To think deeply about something

Congested –          Very crowded, with a lot of people or things

Streamlined –     Having smooth and thin lines

Opaque –     Not allowing light or sound to pass through it

Pleasant –     Good-feeling and nice

Gothic Architecture –  Architecture of the medieval period, especially the style of architecture that flourished in Europe during the middle ages and employed pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses

Fabric –     Constructed substance; material

Structure –     The composition, organization and arrangement of something

Suspended –        To be held off or up; to hang

Facade –  The front part of a building

Monolithic –          Of a material, solid and massive

Diminutive –    Very small

Resemble –    To look like something else or someone else

Revivalist –         To bring something back into use or fashion, to reestablish a practice or custom that is no longer current

Streamline –    To make smoother by reducing the number of irregularities or parts

Economical –    Affordable, Measured

Sparse –           Without a lot of something

Luxurious –    Having a lot of money and/or expensive to use or operate

Compact –    To put together into a close or tight arrangement

Pervasive –           To spread slowly but steadily throughout something

Effusive –     To give forth or emit something, like emotions


There are lots of adjectives that you can use to describe architecture. When describing a building, it is important to consider the structure and composition of the building. A description on architecture must be able to capture the emotions of people

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