Fish Names that Start with Letter K

75+ Kingly Fish Names that Start with Letter K [ Fish Names ]

Are you looking for some unique fish names that start with the letter K? Look no further, as we’ve compiled a list of 75 different types of fish that all begin with the letter K. From freshwater to saltwater, big to small, and common to rare – there’s something for every fish lover on this list! So without further ado, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of fish with names starting with K.

Fish Names that Start with Letter K

1. Kuhli Loach

Kicking off our list is the Kuhli Loach, also known as Pangio kuhlii. This small, eel-like freshwater fish is native to Southeast Asia and makes a great addition to any community aquarium. They are peaceful, nocturnal fish that will happily coexist with other non-aggressive species. Moreover, their unique appearance with dark, patterned stripes makes them stand out among other fish.

2. Kissing Gourami

Next up, we have the Kissing Gourami (Helostoma temminckii). This popular freshwater aquarium fish is known for its puckered lips and tendency to “kiss” other fish. They are peaceful, hardy, and come in a variety of colors, making them a favorite among beginner fish keepers.

3. Kribensis Cichlid

Moving on to another freshwater fish, we have the Kribensis cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher). This colorful and easy-to-care-for fish is native to tropical West Africa and can be found in streams and rivers. They are known for their unique breeding behavior, with the female guarding the eggs while the male defends the territory.

4. Knifefish

Don’t let its name fool you – Knifefish (Gymnotiformes) is actually a group of freshwater fish found in South America. These electric fish use their long, knife-like bodies to swim and navigate through the water. Some species, such as the Electric Eel, are capable of producing electric shocks for hunting and self-defense.

5. Killifish

Killifish (Fundulidae) is a diverse group of freshwater fish found in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. They come in various sizes, colors, and patterns, making them a popular choice among fish breeders. Interestingly, these fish have a unique survival mechanism where they can enter periods of suspended animation to survive droughts.

6. Kribia

Kribia (Kribiidae) is a family of small freshwater fish found in Africa and Madagascar. They are known for their interesting behavior of poking at the substrate with their snouts, hence the nickname “snouted killer” fish. With their peaceful temperament and unique appearance, they make for an excellent addition to a community aquarium.

7. Kneria

Kneria (Kneriidae) is another family of freshwater fish found in Africa and Madagascar. They are closely related to Kribia and share similar features, such as a snout for poking at the substrate. However, Kneria is known for their distinct coloration with iridescent scales and bright red fins.

8. Knife Livebearer

The Knife Livebearer (Xiphophorus hellerii) is a colorful fish native to Mexico and Central America. They are named after their elongated anal fin, which resembles a knife. These active and hardy fish are popular among aquarists and come in various colors, including red, yellow, orange, and black.

9. Kafue Pike

The Kafue Pike (Hemichromis bimaculatus) is a brightly colored freshwater fish found in Central Africa. They have a distinct pattern of red and black stripes along their body, which earned them the nickname “Jewel Cichlid.” These territorial fish require a large tank with plenty of hiding places to thrive.

10. King Mackerel

Moving on to saltwater fish, we have the King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla). This fast-swimming fish is found in the Atlantic Ocean and can grow up to 72 inches in length. They are a popular game fish among anglers, known for their fighting ability and delicious white meat.

11. Kingfish

Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is another saltwater fish known for its speed and strength. These predatory fish can be found in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. They are prized for their firm, white flesh and are a popular choice among commercial fishermen.

12. Kelp Bass

The Kelp Bass (Paralabrax clathratus) is a species of temperate marine fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. These bottom-dwelling fish have a distinct pattern of dark blotches on their body, making them easy to identify. They are popular among sport fishermen and make for a tasty meal.

13. King Salmon

King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is a prized game fish found in the North Pacific Ocean and its tributaries. Also known as Chinook Salmon, these large fish can grow up to 58 inches in length and weigh over 100 pounds. They are highly sought after for their delicious, oily flesh and are a favorite among seafood lovers.

14. Kelp Greenling

Kelp Greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) is another saltwater fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. These colorful fish can be identified by their bright green and black stripes, which serve as camouflage among kelp forests. They are a popular fish for sport fishing and can also be found in some seafood markets.

15. Koi

No list of fish names starting with K would be complete without mentioning the iconic Koi (Cyprinus carpio). These ornamental freshwater fish have been bred for centuries in Japan and are now popular worldwide. They come in a range of colors, patterns, and sizes, with some specimens selling for thousands of dollars.

16. King Tiger Pleco

The King Tiger Pleco (Hypancistrus sp.) is a species of freshwater catfish found in the Amazon River basin. These hardy fish are named after their black and white stripes, resembling a tiger’s pattern. They are popular among aquarists for their unique appearance and ability to keep aquariums clean.

17. Kuhli Loach

The Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) is a peaceful and social freshwater fish found in Southeast Asia. Their long, slender bodies make them an interesting addition to a community aquarium, and they are known for their peaceful demeanor. They prefer to burrow in the substrate, so be sure to provide plenty of hiding places.

18. Kissing Gourami

The Kissing Gourami (Helostoma temminckii) is a popular freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. These peaceful fish got their name from their unique behavior of “kissing” each other’s lips as a form of communication. They are easy to care for and can be kept in groups with other peaceful fish.

19. Kuhlii Bichir

The Kuhlii Bichir (Polypterus kuhlii) is an ancient fish species found in the Nile River and its tributaries. These predatory fish have a long, slender body with small fins and are capable of breathing air. They require a large tank with plenty of hiding places and are not suitable for beginner fishkeepers.

20. Keyhole Cichlid

The Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is a peaceful freshwater fish found in South America. These social and curious fish have a distinctive black spot on their body, resembling a keyhole. They are easy to care for and can be kept with other peaceful fish in a community tank.

21. Kissing Fish

Kissing Fish (Helostoma temminckii) is another name for the previously mentioned Kissing Gourami. They are also known as Pink Kissing Gourami due to their salmon-pink coloration. These peaceful fish are easy to care for and can make for an interesting addition to a community aquarium.

22. Knife Fish

The Knife Fish (Gymnotiformes) is a diverse group of freshwater fish found in South America. They are named after their long, knife-like shape and use electrical discharges to navigate and communicate. Some species, such as the Electric Eel, are capable of generating strong electric shocks for self-defense.

23. Kribia

Kribia (Kneriidae) is a family of small freshwater fish found in Africa and Madagascar. They have a distinct snout for digging through the substrate in search of food. These social fish are easy to care for and can be kept in groups of 6 or more in a community tank.

24. Kandyan Dwarf Rasbora

The Kandyan Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras urophthalmoides) is a tiny freshwater fish found in Sri Lanka. They have a beautiful gold and purple coloration, making them a popular choice for aquascaping. These peaceful fish are best kept in groups with other small, non-aggressive fish.

25. Kuhli Puffer

Last but not least, we have the Kuhli Puffer (Tetraodon kretseri). This unique freshwater pufferfish is found in Southeast Asia and has a long, slender body with striking stripes. They require a tank with plenty of hiding places and a varied diet to keep their beak-like teeth from overgrowing.

More Fish Names Starting with Letter K:

S.No Fish Name Description
1 Koi Ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens.
2 Killifish Small and colorful fish known for its ability to survive in a variety of environments.
3 King Salmon Largest species of Pacific salmon, also known as Chinook.
4 King Mackerel Popular game fish known for its speed and strength.
5 Kuhli Loach Peaceful bottom-dwelling fish often mistaken for an eel due to its elongated body.
6 Knight Goby Brackish water species known for its unique, knight-like armor appearance.
7 Kissing Gourami Named for their unique “kissing” behavior, popular in aquariums.
8 Kribensis African cichlid known for its bright colors, especially during breeding season.
9 Kawakawa Tropical species of mackerel found commonly in the Indo-Pacific region.
10 Kelp Bass Species of marine fish that lives in kelp forests off the western coast of North America.
11 Keyhole Cichlid Peaceful freshwater fish native to South America.
12 Kelt Term used for Atlantic salmon that have spawned once and are returning to the sea.
13 Kingklip Popular fish in South Africa, known for its delicate flavor and firm texture.
14 Kitefin Shark Species of dogfish shark found in the deep waters of many of the world’s oceans.
15 Knifefish Nocturnal fish known for their long, flat bodies and electric fields they generate.
16 Kokanee Salmon Landlocked form of Sockeye Salmon.
17 Krill Small crustaceans that serve as a crucial part of the ocean food chain.
18 Kafue Pike Predatory fish species found in Africa’s Kafue River.
19 Kutum Fish species native to the Caspian Sea, valued for its roe often used for caviar.
20 Kanyu Another name for the Arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.
21 Kelp Perch Small fish species that inhabit kelp forests and rocky reefs in the Pacific Ocean.
22 Keeltail Needlefish Known for their elongated bodies and long, narrow jaws filled with sharp teeth.
23 King Threadfin Species of ray-finned fish found in the Indo-Pacific region.
24 Koaro One of the galaxiids native to New Zealand, capable of climbing damp surfaces.
25 Kopje Small fish native to the African Great Lakes.
26 Kuruma Prawn Crustacean, popular seafood in Japan.
27 Kawadi Small, tropical fish found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
28 Kala Labeo Species of labeo native to the river systems of India.
29 Kaluga Sturgeon One of the largest freshwater fish in the world, found in the Amur River basin.
30 Kissing Loach Small freshwater fish native to Japan.
31 Kerapu Term used in Malaysia for a variety of groupers.
32 Khramulya Small, freshwater fish native to the Caspian Sea basin.
33 Killer Fish Another name for the Piranha, a freshwater fish known for its sharp teeth and voracious appetite.
34 King of the Herrings Another name for the Oarfish, the longest bony fish in the world.
35 Kissing Fish Another name for the Kissing Gourami, named for their unique “kissing” behavior.
36 Knobhead Parrotfish Species of parrotfish found in the Pacific Ocean.
37 Koi Carp Ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens.
38 Kokopu Term used in New Zealand for several species of native freshwater fish.
39 Kole Tang Species of surgeonfish known for its vibrant coloration.
40 Kraken Mythical giant sea monster from Norse mythology (not a real species).
41 Kuda Seahorse Small marine fish in the family Syngnathidae.
42 Kumu Type of goatfish found in the Pacific Ocean.
43 Kwazulu Stumpnose Species of ray-finned fish in the genus Pseudobarbus.
44 Kahawai Species of marine fish found in the Southern Hemisphere.
45 Kareius bicoloratus Flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae.
46 Klamath Tui Chub Small, freshwater fish native to the Klamath River basin.
47 Knysna Seahorse One of the smallest seahorse species, endangered.
48 Kobudai Another name for the Asian Sheepshead Wrasse, known for its large, bulbous forehead.
49 Koromo Variety of koi fish known for its colorful, scale pattern.
50 Kunimasu Subspecies of trout native to Japan.


Overall, there are many fascinating fish species that start with the letter K. From predatory game fish to peaceful community fish, there is something for every type of fish enthusiast. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fishkeeper, these K-named fish can make a great addition to your aquarium. So next time you’re looking for a new fish, consider one of these 75 options starting with the letter K!

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