Adjectives for Slavery

Adjectives for Slavery-Words to describe Slavery

Slavery is an oppressive, cruel, and inhumane institution. Here are some adjectives that can be used to describe it:

List of Adjectives for Slavery | Words to talk about Slavery

1. Abusive
2. Aversive
3. Barbaric
4. Brutal
5. Callous  Adjectives for Slavery

6. Captive
7. Coercive
8. Commoditized
9. Compulsory
10. Dehumanizing
11. degrading
12. enslaving
13. exploitative
14. forced
15. harried
16. inhumane
17. involuntary
18. isolated
19. laborious
20. lonely
21. mind-numbing
22. onerous
23 oppressive
24 perilous
25 physical
26 precarious
27 restrictive
28 rigorous
29 subordinates
30 tedious
31 inhuman
32 soul-crushing
33 heartless
34 miserable
35 pitiful
36 unfortunate
37 worthless
38 catastrophe

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Adjectives for American anti slavery society

1. Devoted
2. Determined
3. Eager
4. Enthusiastic
5. Fierce
6. Passionate
7. Powerful
8. Resolute
9. Righteous
10. Steadfast
11. Strong
12. Brave
13. Committed

Conclusion: Therefore, these are some adjectives that can be used to describe slavery and the American anti slavery society. We should continue to fight against this cruel institution and work towards liberating all those who are currently enslaved.

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What are the characteristics of Slavery?

Slavery is an oppressive, cruel, and inhumane institution. It is characterized by forced labor, degradation, and lack of freedom.

Is Slavery noun or adjective?

Slavery is a noun. It refers to the state of being a slave, or the practice of owning slaves.

What is another word for slavery?

There are many words that can be used to describe slavery, including: abusive, coercive, inhumane, involuntary, and restrictive.

What word can I use instead of Slavery?

There are many words that can be used to describe slavery, including: abusive, coercive, inhumane, involuntary, and restrictive.

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