150+ Non-Stop Adjectives that Start with N [ Adjectives List ]

The adjectives are the strength to our tongue! They are really helpful when we talk about a situation, person or about any place! Here listed adjectives that start with N, have been placed for the purpose of adding more power to your expression!

N adjectives | Adjectives that Start with N

adjectives that start with N

The letter N has really numerous adjectives in the order for an improved expression! You can literally find it easy to say anything about anything when you need to say about something that requires positives, negatives, or description about something! Furthermore, you may also read here all important describing positive adjective words starting with Letter n, with meaning and example senteneces

Starting with “Na”

  • naive
  • nameless
  • narcissistic
  • narrow
  • narrow-minded
  • nasal
  • nasty
  • national
  • native
  • natural
  • naughty
  • nauseating
  • nauseous
  • nautical
  • navigable
  • navy-blue

Starting with “Ne”

  • near
  • nearby
  • nearest
  • nearsighted
  • neat
  • nebulous
  • necessary
  • needless
  • needy
  • nefarious
  • negative
  • neglected
  • neglectful
  • negligent
  • negligible
  • negotiable
  • neighborly
  • neither
  • nerve-racking
  • nervous
  • neurological
  • neurotic
  • neutral
  • new
  • newest
  • next
  • next-door

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Adjectives Starting with “Ni”

  • nice
  • nifty
  • nightmarish
  • nimble
  • nimble-minded
  • nine
  • ninth
  • nippy

Adjectives Starting with “No”

  • no
  • noble
  • nocturnal
  • noiseless
  • noisy
  • nominal
  • nonabrasive
  • non-aggressive
  • nonchalant
  • noncommittal
  • noncompetitive
  • nonconsecutive
  • nondescript
  • nondestructive
  • nonexclusive
  • nonnegotiable
  • nonproductive
  • nonrefundable
  • nonrenewable
  • non-responsive
  • nonrestrictive
  • non-returnable
  • nonsensical
  • nonspecific
  • nonstop
  • non-transferable
  • nonverbal
  • nonviolent
  • normal
  • north
  • northeast
  • northerly
  • northwest
  • nostalgic
  • nosy
  • notable
  • noticeable
  • notorious
  • novel
  • noxious

Adjectives Starting with “Nu”

  • null
  • numb
  • numberless
  • numbing
  • numerable
  • numeric
  • numerous
  • nutritional
  • nutritious
  • nutty


This non stop list of all important N adjectives would really be helpful to you for the purpose of bringing more clarity and understanding to your tongue! In addition to these all essential N adjectives we shall continue to add more words on the list for you.

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Meaning and Example Sentences of Adjectives that Start with N

Well, in a way to make things clear for you, we have managed to prepared the list of all important adjectives that start with the letter P, with detailed meaning and example sentences for you. The example quoted here are easy to understand and reflect the importance of N Adjectives. There are a number of notable N adjectives that we frequently use in our daily life.

He was naive and innocent as he walked the day when his brother died.

The poet explained that he stood nameless and senseless enchanted with the beauty of her damsel.

I would like to narrow down it for further research purposes.

A narrow minded approach would make it hard for them to relocate in an other city.

The claimed that they were the native of that area.

It was natural for them to speak gently with kindness.

The boy used to be very naughty and funny.

It was a nauseating experience for me being seated in the mid while having a long journey.

The sailors took the route to navigable waters.

She wished for a navy blue ring.

She gave the nebulous reason for her husband not being able to attend the party.

It was necessary for students to attend all classes.

His nefarious designs were soon apprehended.

He cried for being neglected in the ceremony

It was not a negligible error and therefore it warrants justification.

The terms of settlement she put forwarded were agreeable and negotiable

While witnessing the accident on highway was a nerve wracking experience and I can never forget that.

Her eyes were nimble fancy, her gate was attractive and smile was life taking!

He was nimble minded as he affirmed his role in the success of final year project.

The security officials were loaded with speedy and noiseless vehicles

He tried to avoid the noisy environment.

They were paid the nominal charges against their hard work of days.

His nonchalant behavior towards his prime responsibilities is somewhat disturbing.

He was dressed in casual nondescript clothes.

Money paid against the contract was nonrefundable.

The nonrenewable sources of energy are quickly depleting.

He arrogant and non responsive behavior earned him disgrace and humiliations

The terms and conditions state that the assets were non returnable

It further states that the powers of one designation are non transferable to another.

The teacher explained non verbal form of communication.

He preached peace and asked for non violent character.

The situation has started to become normal on the ground.

The notable concern between both parties was the safety and sustainability of organization

Her rude behavior was easily noticeable in her tone.

Finally the Police was able to apprehend the notorious gang.

He cited numerous examples in the support of his argument.

The food recommended by the teacher was of great nutritional value.


Coming here! I am pretty sure that there are many noticeable N adjectives in the list, that would have managed to be on your list of favorite adjectives. We shall be continuously updating this list of more powerful N adjectives. Therefore! keep connected

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