250+ Adjective that Start with C [ Meaning & Example Sentences ]
Have you ever noticed few very common yet precious words that we repeated use in our language? The words like calm, comfortable, creative, curious etc, are all the part of words that belong to adjectives! Yes, these all are C adjectives that we frequently use in our daily business to help communicate stronger and more clear.
List of C Adjectives with Meaning & Examples
I have successfully managed to bring you here, out of my homework assignments, list of all important adjectives that start with C. In order to help you understand the context clear, I have come with example sentences and clear meaning of selected important adjectives for you. And, do not forget to read our separate list of Positive words starting with c to describe about a person
Starting With CA
- Cackling
- Cacophonic
- Caged
- Calamitous
- Calculable
- Calculated
- Calculating
- Callous
- Calm
- Calming
- Camouflaged
- Canadian
- Cancelled
- Cancerous
- Candid
- Cantankerous
- Capable
- Capricious
- Captivated
- Captivating
- Captive
- Carbonated
- Carefree
- Careful
- Careless
- Caring
- Carnivorous
- Carpeted
- Carribean
- Carsick
- Casual
- Catastrophic
- Catatonic
- Catchable
- Catholic
- Caustic
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavernous
Related Post: List of A Adjectives with Meaning and Examples
Starting With CE
- Ceaseless
- Celebrated
- Celestial
- Centered
- Central
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Certain
- Certifiable
- Certified
Starting With CH
- Challenged
- Challenging
- Chance
- Changeable
- Changing
- Chanting
- Charging
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charmed
- Charming
- Chattering
- Chatting
- Chatty
- Chauvinistic
- Cheap
- Cheapest
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Cheering
- Cheerless
- Cheery
- Chemical
- Chewable
- Chewy
- Chic
- Chicken
- Chief
- Childish
- Childlike
- Chilling
- Chilly
- Chinese
- Chivalrous
- Choice
- Choking
- Choppy
- Christian
- Chronological
- Chubby
- Chuckling
- Chunky
- Churlish
Starting With CI
- Cinematic
- Circling
- Circular
- Circumstantial
- Civil
- Civilian
- Civilized
Starting With CL
- Clammy
- Clamoring
- Clandestine
- Clanging
- Clapping
- Clashing
- Classic
- Classical
- Classifiable
- Classified
- Classy
- Clean
- Cleanable
- Clear
- Clear-cut
- Cleared
- Clear-headed
- Clever
- Climatic
- Climbable
- Clinging
- Clingy
- Clinical
- Cliquish
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Close
- Closeable
- Closed
- Close-minded
- Cloudless
- Cloudy
- Clownish
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Cluttered
Starting With CO
- Coarse
- Cockamamie
- Cocky
- Coercive
- Cognitive
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coincidental
- Cold
- Cold-blooded
- Cold-hearted
- Collaborative
- Collapsed
- Collapsing
- Collectible
- Collegial
- Colloquial
- Colonial
- Colorful
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Combative
- Combined
- Combustible
- Comely
- Comfortable
- Comforted
- Comforting
- Comical
- Commanding
- Commemorative
- Commendable
- Commercial
- Committed
- Common
- Communal
- Communicable
- Communicative
- Communist
- Compact
- Comparable
- Comparative
- Compassionate
- Compelling
- Competent
- Competitive
- Complacent
- Complaining
- Complete
- Completed
- Complex
- Compliant
- Complicated
- Complimentary
- Compound
- Comprehensive
- Compulsive
- Compulsory
- Computer
- Computerized
- Concealable
- Concealed
- Conceited
- Conceivable
- Concerned
- Concerning
- Concerted
- Concise
- Concomitant
- Concurrent
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Condescending
- Conditional
- Confident
- Confidential
- Confirmed
- Conflicted
- Conflicting
- Conformable
- Confounded
- Confused
- Confusing
- Congenial
- Congested
- Congressional
- Congruent
- Congruous
- Connectable
- Connected
- Connecting
- Connective
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consecutive
- Consensual
- Consenting
- Conservative
- Considerable
- Considerate
- Consistent
- Consoling
- Conspicuous
- Conspiratorial
- Constant
- Constitutional
- Constrictive
- Constructive
- Consumable
- Consummate
- Contagious
- Containable
- Contemplative
- Contemporary
- Contemptible
- Contemptuous
- Content
- Contented
- Contentious
- Contextual
- Continual
- Continuing
- Continuous
- Contoured
- Contractual
- Contradicting
- Contradictory
- Contrarian
- Contrary
- Contrite
- Controllable
- Controlling
- Controversial
- Convenient
- Conventional
- Conversational
- Convinced
- Convincing
- Convoluted
- Convulsive
- Cooing
- Cooked
- Cool
- Coolest
- Cool-headed
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Copious
- Coquettish
- Cordial
- Corner
- Cornered
- Corny
- Corporate
- Corpulent
- Correct
- Correctable
- Corrective
- Corresponding
- Corrosive
- Corrupt
- Corrupting
- Cosmetic
- Cosmic
- Costly
- Cottony
- Coughing
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Covert
- Coveted
- Cowardly
- Cowering
- Coy
- Cozy
Starting With CR
- Crabby
- Cracked
- Crackling
- Crafty
- Craggy
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Cranky
- Crashing
- Crass
- Craven
- Crawling
- Crazy
- Creaking
- Creaky
- Creamy
- Creative
- Credible
- Creeping
- Creepy
- Crestfallen
- Criminal
- Crippled
- Crippling
- Crisp
- Crispy
- Critical
- Crooked
- Cropped
- Cross
- Crossed
- Crotchety
- Crowded
- Crucial
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumbling
- Crumbly
- Crunchable
- Crunching
- Crunchy
- Crushable
- Crushed
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cryptic
- Crystalline
- Crystallized
Starting With CU
- Cuddly
- Culpable
- Cultural
- Cultured
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative
- Cunning
- Curable
- Curative
- Curious
- Curly
- Current
- Cursed
- Curt
- Curved
- Curvy
- Customary
- Cut
- Cute
- Cutting
- Cylindrical
- Cynical
Related Post: Adjective words that start with letter P
Finally to the end of long list! I am really well assured that you would have definitely found few very amazing C adjectives to have refined talk or discussion with anyone. Maintaining the same pace, I would be continuously updating this list with more powerful words here. So, keep in touch.